Sometimes I Forget

Thursday, April 6, 2000

Romans 3:23 – For all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God. (NIV)

Lately I have been watching some war movies. I like the way that they deal with some ethical issues. One thing I have noticed now is that in a lot of war movies you can usually find a group of soldiers or sailors acting up, whether it is drinking or just carrying on and not behaving respectfully. As I sit and watch this, I find myself saying, "How could these men act this way? Do they not know that they are uniformed service men, and should act accordingly?"

Then I remember that when I served in the service, I was acting the same way. There were many times I did not act honourably or respectfully. So I just have to say, "I was there and I did the same thing."

That is why I like the scripture for today so much. It tells us that all have sinned and fallen short. Sometimes this is hard to remember. We might present the Gospel moralistically instead of in a loving way. We need to remember that we too are sinners and that it was through the love of Christ that we were saved. We need to tell others this instead of acting "holier than thou." We must show the same compassion to others as God has shown to us, because we are all sinners who once stood where they are now, and we and they are only saved through Christ's work on the cross.

Prayer: Heavenly Father, before you we are sinners. The only thing that has saved us from the consequences of our actions has been your love for us. You gave your Son to take our place so that we may be found righteous to you. May we never forget what you have done for us. We pray that we may share this news with others so that they may know you. In Jesus' name. Amen.

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About the author:

Michael Steckel
Fairbanks, Alaska, USA

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