
Sunday, March 11, 2001

Proverbs 3:5-6 – Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; He shall direct your paths. (NKJV)

Have you ever sat at an intersection, when the traffic lights aren't working, watching the policeman directing traffic every which way? Have you sat and watched an orchestra, or bandleader, waving the baton directing the different sections when to play their piece?

If I'm lost while driving my car, I can get direction from an employee at a gas station. Maps give us direction. A compass points us in a direction. There are signs along roads, giving us direction. I've seen signs indicating crossroads, one way only, a steep hill, icy conditions, a winding road, and many others.

I sit in amazement, though, at how the police officer or bandleader can organize, lead and direct so many people at the same time, and have everything flow together nicely. They are totally in control. Everyone is dependent on them.

Do we read the Highway Code for life — the Bible — to recognize the signs? It has so much to tell us. God offers direction to each and every one of us.

At some points in our lives we come to crossroads. With faith and trust we can ask for direction about which way to go.

Sometimes, our lives feel like we're travelling up a steep hill, but again through prayer and trust we know that we will be all right, and the road will level out at some point.

Like those playing the instruments in the band, we need to listen and to be told when and how to play our parts. We all need direction; we can't do it alone! If everyone pays attention to our Conductor, then life will be harmonious, with everyone in tune together. Asking for direction is not enough. We have to obey Him.

The people asked the prophet Jeremiah to pray to the Lord for them "that the Lord your God may show us the way in which we should walk and the thing we should do." (Jeremiah 42:3 NKJV)

When the lights have gone out, we need not simply sit still. If we follow the loving arms waving us forward and if we listen to where we're being directed, we'll never regret the direction in which the Lord leads!


    Heavenly Father, we ask that You
    Direct us every day
    Along the path that we should follow
    To listen to what You say.

    Direct us all to play our part
    In Your orchestra of life —
    To be in tune with only You
    So there'd be no more strife.

    Direct, O Lord, which way to turn
    When upon crossroads we stumble.
    If only we would listen more
    And be forever humble.

    We need Your direction, Lord;
    In You we place our trust.
    You are the arrow on our compass —
    Follow it, we must.

    You are our Shepherd, we are Your sheep,
    Direct us into the fold.
    As we graze on Your Word each day
    Your hand we need to hold.

    Sometimes our way seems all uphill;
    We slip and slide on ice.
    Through faith and trust in You
    Leaning feels very nice.

    So, O Lord, we know for sure
    Your direction we all need
    For without it, we are lost.
    Help us to take heed.

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About the author:

Maureen Killick
Acton, Ontario, Canada

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