Going To The Birds

Tuesday, August 21, 2001

1 Peter 4:8 – Above all, love each other deeply, because love covers over a multitude of sins. (NIV)

Alex and Ivy form a very entertaining couple. She is devoted to him and he to her. They do, however, have their moments, when the air becomes heavy with tension, or to be more precise, ruffled feathers! Alex and Ivy are a pair of budgies.

Their favourite argument, which occurs with frequent regularity, stems from their position on the perch. Ivy, it seems, cannot abide the fact that Alex doesn't always wish to sit facing the same direction that she has chosen. Not being a budgie expert, I cannot be sure whether he purposefully sets about to aggravate her by so sitting, or whether he simply changes direction due to boredom. Perhaps a little of both! Whatever the case, whenever he does choose to be different, a most intriguing screaming match erupts as she sits one way, he the other. Neither is willing at first to reconsider or even to entertain such a fancy as turning around or accepting the other's statement to be different. Eventually, though, their commitment and devotion to one another always leads to a peaceable settling of such disputes!

Observing their little disputes and their handling of them has often brought to my mind similar situations that we too all face from time to time. Such situations, however, unlike those of Alex and Ivy, do not always end on such a happy note, due to our pride.

Differences of opinion are natural and healthy. Yet often amidst them, a sharp word is spoken. An opposite view is voiced or acted out. A look is interpreted the wrong way and before we know it, we have stalked off to our own small corners of self-pity or anger, ruffling our plumage of indignation as we go. Our pride then becomes a point of principle, which in turn acts as a stumbling block to humility and peace as each person stubbornly maintains that they are right or are the ones who have been wronged.

How grieved our heavenly Father must be when we as His children act in such a manner, whether the differences between us are large or small. He so humbly made the first move to be reconciled with sinners such as we are. He gave His one and only Son, Jesus, who chose to lay aside the glories and power of deity to become a humble obedient servant, willing to give His very life for us and for all, that our great multitude of sins might be covered over by the unfathomable depth of His great love and commitment to us!

Prayer: Heavenly Father, humble our hearts, that we, like Jesus, might be willing to be obedient servants of reconciliation within our families, neighbourhoods, places of employment, churches, nation and world. In Christ's name we ask. Amen.

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About the author:

Lynne Phipps <lynnephippsatlin@gmail.com>
Tawatinaw, Alberta, Canada

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