He Cares

Wednesday, August 13, 2003

Romans 13:5 – Therefore, it is necessary to submit to the authorities, not only because of possible punishment but also because of conscience. (NIV)

I ask myself, "Is it the Lord speaking to me, through my conscience, when I see a law being broken?" Is He speaking to me when I myself commit an offence? As we attempt to achieve the holiness God desires of us, is there a point when I might say, "Almost there!"?

I don't think so! He has a way to remind me. Case in point: have you found yourself driving a little over the posted speed limit and justifying your actions as acceptable because "everyone else is doing it"? So why did the "authorities" over me choose to post 100 km/h if 110 is tolerated? Does that mean "legal" is what is enforced?

I sat in a mall parking lot, eating lunch, facing a three-way stop. It was a very busy intersection, and I observed, with interest, as cars approached the stop sign. A couple actually stopped, probably because they didn't want to collide with another car. Most cars, however, rolled through the intersection. I checked the signs, and they definitely said STOP.

We all have a tendency to justify our wrongs. We all break rules! Why was the rule created? To protect us! God has allowed governing authorities to rule over us. When we disobey them, we disobey Him. There is no justification for disobedience.

Prayer: Lord, thank You for continually speaking to us, guiding us daily to be closer to You. Thank You for those you have put into place to govern over us. Thank You for loving us enough to care for us. Amen.

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About the author:

Keith Adams <ttp@rogers.com>
Binbrook, Ontario, Canada

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