In Between Times

Thursday, December 29, 2005

Psalm 16:1-2 – Keep me safe, O God, for in you I take refuge. I said to the Lord, "You are my Lord: apart from you I have no good thing." (NIV)

As I turned to leave my friend who had just lost her husband, she squeezed my hand as the tears rolled down her cheeks and said, "Pray for me in these 'in-between times'. By faith, I know I can survive and live in the years ahead — it's just this healing time I dread so much."

That is the way of grief. At this time, we tend to look backwards at the good times, the security, the comfort, and the joys we once shared with our loved ones. All this must be re-arranged in our lives. Looking ahead is frightening. The unknown can be overwhelming.

Healing takes time, but this psalm offers us hope and confidence that God Who has been our help in ages past will still be there in the years to come.

Psalm 16:5 – Lord, you have assigned me my portion and my cup; you have made my lot secure. (NIV)

My friend's faith is strong enough that she knows she'll survive. She can see the light at the end of the tunnel, but she needs my help and that of her other Christian friends to walk with her through these "in-between times". This is not a time for teaching, for lecturing, for correction; it's just a time for "being there" with patience, understanding, and a listening ear, in case she wants to talk.

Prayer: Lord, there are lonely roads which each of us has to travel alone, but with a friend by our side who understands, the darkness is not as cold and lonely. Through Your Holy Spirit, make us comforters to walk beside our friends, warming up their darkness until they reach Your light again. Amen.

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About the author:

Ivie Bozeman <>
Thomasville, Georgia, USA

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