
Friday, January 13, 2006

Romans 5:20 – The Ten Commandments were given so that all could see the extent of their failure to obey God's laws. But the more we see our sinfulness, the more we see God's abounding grace forgiving us. (TLB)

Spelling does not come easily to Fraser. As part of his homework schedule, we include a daily practice of his Grade 3 spelling list. By Friday, he is prepared for his test.

Recently, Fraser returned from school with one of his tests. Disappointment must have shown in my voice as I noticed he had made two errors. He had spelled the words perfectly the night before.

"But at least I learned from my mistakes!" Fraser exclaimed cheerfully.

That put things into perspective. We all make mistakes. Big or small, they are a part of our lives. Yet, all we have to do is ask for forgiveness, and God is there. We can be sure of His love and compassion. He will send us on our life's course with a great opportunity to learn and grow in His love.

Prayer: Most compassionate God, we make mistakes every day. In each mistake is an opportunity to learn and grow in Your love. Help us to have faith in the knowledge of Your forgiveness. Amen.

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About the author:

Heather Morton <morton@kent.net>
West Lorne, Ontario, Canada

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