
Saturday, February 4, 2006

Proverbs 17:22 – A cheerful disposition is good for your health; gloom and doom leave you bone-tired. (MSG)

As my parents and their siblings have been passing away one at a time, I have been reminiscing about them and the fun times we had together as a family. We lived closest to my mom's side of the family, so knew them better. One of my mom's sisters, though, lived at the other end of the province. I remember a few times when mom and she were together — either at our place or at her place. Oh, how I remember the fun they had! They laughed and laughed so hard. After a while, nothing was funny anymore, but by then they couldn't stop laughing. The peals of laughter filled the house!

God wants us to be happy and joyful. A cheerful disposition does good — like medicine. It is so true: when I laugh, I do feel better. Life isn't as serious; the circumstances not so pressing. God knows a good dose of laughter is for our good. So often, though, we get stuck in the gloomy side of life, and we feel bone-tired. Let's look for something to laugh about — whether it is really funny or not. We will feel better.

Prayer: Lord Jesus, thank You for giving us a sense of humour and the ability to see the funny side of life. You are great! Amen.

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About the author:

Judy Miller <>
Grande Prairie, Alberta, Canada

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