Blocked Sender List

Saturday, November 29, 2008
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Romans 14:13 – Therefore let us stop passing judgment on one another. Instead, make up your mind not to put any stumbling block or obstacle in your brother's way. (NIV)

I used to use the Blocked Sender List feature that was available on my computer, in order to weed out undesirable e-mail, but of late I don't find it necessary. Sometimes when I used this, I would accidentally place a friend on the list, and then wonder why I was not hearing from them. Sure enough, there the person's name and e-mail address would be on my Blocked Sender List. It was easy to remove someone from the list and get back to normal communication.

In our everyday life, how many of us have something like a Blocked Sender List activated and make that same mistake? Sometimes, we wonder why we have lost contact with a friend. Could it be that unintentionally we have done something to block them out of our lives?

Perhaps we should take the time to call upon those who seem to have strayed from us. Was it something we said or didn't say, or did we simply just block them out of our lives?

This doesn't just apply to our family and friends. What about when we seemingly block God out of our lives? What is missing, and how can we make amends for this, our loss? If we have drifted away from our Lord, He misses His children and the fellowship we should be having together!

Prayer: Father in heaven, beckon us home to be with You in all of our circumstances. Make us aware of what it is that is holding us back from fellowship, both with You and with our family and friends. Grant us Your grace that we may find Your way, Your truth, and Your light to guide us into a fellowship of Your choice. May we never be a stumbling block or obstacle in our brother's way. In Jesus' name, we pray. Amen.

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About the author:

Anne Russell <>
Brampton, Ontario, Canada

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