Through The Eyes Of Faith

Tuesday, July 5, 2011
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John 9:30 – The man answered, "Now that is remarkable! You don't know where He comes from, yet He opened my eyes." (NIV)

Once after attending a mission conference, I listened as a missionary witnessed to an unbeliever who stopped by to look at the biblical literature displayed on the table. However, when the woman heard about Jesus, she was not the least bit interested to hear the gospel. And to my surprise, she argued that the man Jesus never existed. Yet, many unbelievers do acknowledge that Jesus is a real historical person, since reliable extra-biblical documents substantiate that fact.

I am always amazed when people choose to ignore the evidence right under their noses, whether the evidence is religious, political, or otherwise. Nevertheless, I am usually open to hear both sides of an argument. For this reason, the healing of the blind man in John chapter 9 is one of my favourite passages in the New Testament. While observing the exchange between an uneducated commoner and the sophisticated religious experts, I am greatly inspired by the tenacious spirit and powerful testimony of a simple beggar. Under pressure, this man remains confident that the One who opened his blind eyes exercised power that could come only from above.

Moreover, I am impressed by the man's lack of intimidation and the sarcastic tone in which he responded to the Pharisees' repeated question in verse 27: "I have told you already and you did not listen. Why do you want to hear it again? Do you want to become His disciples, too?" (NIV) Later, the Pharisees reviled him and stooped to name-calling. But the beggar had no trouble seeing through their flimsy argument and took a bold stand for the truth.

Consequently, when Jesus that heard that the man had been excommunicated from the synagogue, the Scripture says that He sought him out. Next, an interesting dialogue occurred when Jesus asked, "Do you believe in the Son of Man?" He replied, "Who is he, sir? Tell me so that I may believe in Him." "He is the one speaking with you," Jesus said. "Lord, I believe," and he worshipped Him. (verses 35-38, NIV)

What a remarkable confession of faith in such a short time! At that moment, not only was the blind man healed physically, but spiritually as well. Not only did He have the honour of seeing the Lord who healed him, but through the eyes of faith, he could see what the Pharisees could not: the light of the world.

May we, like the blind beggar, boldly proclaim His awesome power in our lives, and prayerfully beseech the Lord to open the eyes of the blind.

Prayer: Father, through the eyes of faith, let the light of Your Son shine brightly upon us. May we, like the man born blind, stand firm in the truth. Use our testimonies for Your glory, that those living in darkness may see Christ who lives in us. In Jesus' holy name, we pray. Amen.

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About the author:

Lori Ciccanti <>
Ocean View, Delaware, USA

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