We All Have A Purpose

Tuesday, March 13, 2018
Listen to this devotional:
Listen while you read: "Break Thou The Bread Of Life"1 (Lyrics)

1 Corinthians 12:14 – Now the body is not made up of one part but of many. (NIV)

How many times have you heard someone say, "Did you see that? The pastor just walked right by me and didn't even say hello!" How many times do we get offended because the pastor didn't live up to our expectations or include us in whatever was going on? I know of a few who have left the church because of such actions or thinking. Instead, why not be the one who says "Hello!" to the pastor? He is distracted with preparations for the service, and he has other things on his mind. He is about to give a sermon on behalf of God for our benefit, so he deserves consideration and respect.

Others have been known to leave the church looking for another church that will do what they think a church should be doing. People can be so preoccupied with worldly thinking that they forget what the purpose of being in church is all about.

I cannot help but wonder if we all did our part in the church and in society what would become of us and the world around us. Of course, giving it a lot of thought, words started forming in my mind, and this is what I wrote.

    The Pastor
    Pastor's job isn't to meet and greet,
    Have a coffee and take a seat,
    To visit this one and visit that one.
    If so, his work wouldn't get done.
    I believe this is how he does his part:
    In prayer, he asks what's on the Father's heart.
    Then he knows what the sermon will be
    And how it can help us, you and me.
    Don't get upset but keep Pastor in your prayers
    And know for sure, he really cares.

    The Congregation
    We hear the Word and we are filled;
    We keep quiet so nothing is spilled.
    We have to be bold and let it out,
    Go to the rooftops and shout,
    "Jesus is alive, He forgives you and me
    And we can have life for eternity."

    The World (hopefully)
    Thank you for letting me know
    Not only by words but how you show
    The Father's love for each of us
    And how we don't have to fuss.
    You show how we are to forgive
    And how God wants us to live.
    Thank you for sharing and being bold.
    Now my heart is full instead of cold.
    Wow! all the things I did not know
    And how in Christ I can continue to grow.

Can you imagine what would happen if our actions and words could help someone speak and feel that? Are you up for the challenge of sharing what is inside of you?

Prayer: O dear Jesus, forgive us when we point our fingers at ones who we think are not doing what they should be doing. Help us, Lord, to ask what You would want us to be doing in this world to help others come to know You. Holy Spirit, help us to start each day by asking, "What would You like me to do for You today? Thank You for using me." In Jesus' name, we ask. Amen.

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About the author:

Brenda Vargas <brendalovespico@gmail.com>
Pico, Azores

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1 Comment

  • PresbyCan Feedback says:

    Amen Brenda.

    Beautiful, Brenda.

    Thank you, Brenda.
    Blessings be with you.

    Hi Brenda
    Thank you for sharing your thoughts with us, the readers.

    Dear Brenda,
    Thank you for such a very fine devotional, including your rhymes.
    Keep writing.

    Bless you, Brenda Vargas!
    Wow! That was quite a Devotional!…it woke me up!…it sure got my attention!

    Wow, very well said.
    I can just hear all the overworked and under-appreciated, clergy on our list saying THANK YOU. As I do. We all need this reminder.

    Thank you for your thought-provoking devotional, poems, and prayer.
    ‘We’ can be thin-skinned sometimes and are called to be much more.

    Good for you Brenda. A message that needs to be heard.
    I am often astounded by people who complain and gossip about what the pastor or others should be doing in the church.
    God Bless.

    Dear Brenda
    I say WOW what a great message and reminder of what we should all be doing!
    We do have to care for our Pastors not just criticize them!
    I will share your message in our bulletin.
    Thank you.

    Dear Brenda,
    Thank you for your delightful devotional. I enjoyed your poetry very much and look forward to more in the future.
    God bless.

    Dear Brenda
    Well Said!! Reach out, say hello and truly mean it when you ask “How are you?” Pastors need our prayers. Be bold and praise our Lord for all He has done for us!
    Thanks so much. God be with you always.

    Hi Brenda,
    Thank you for your devotional. I am a pastor and it really hit home; there are so many times when I feel alone in church as people seem to talk to each other but not to me! It’s a pretty closed community and I am still new.

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