The Story

Tuesday, February 10, 2015
Listen to this devotional:
Listen while you read: "The Lily Of The Valley"1 (Lyrics)

What do we do when God answers our prayers? The story of Abraham's chief servant finding a wife for Isaac has spoken deeply to my heart, as I also hope it will to yours. When he came to Abraham's country, he prayed:

Genesis 24:12-14a – O Lord, God of my master Abraham, give me success today, and show kindness to my master Abraham. See, I am standing beside this spring, and the daughters of the townspeople are coming out to draw water. May it be that when I say to a girl, "Please let down your jar that I may have a drink," and she says, "Drink, and I'll water your camels too" — let her be the one you have chosen for your servant Isaac. (NIV)

God answered his prayer. But when the servant went to Rebekah's home, what did do?

Genesis 24:33a – Then food was set before him, but he said, "I will not eat until I have told you what I have to say." (NIV)

How many times have I prayed, and God has graciously answered, and yet I have kept from the world the part that God played in my success? How many times have you done the same? It is not that I do not give glory in my heart to Him for answered prayer. It is not that I do not give glory to Him amidst His people, for I do. Yet, when it comes to people of this world, such testimony is not always received well, and so, sometimes, and perhaps far too often, I have kept the most important part of the story to myself. I do not give the glory to God publicly for fear of offending others or making myself an object of ridicule. And yet, God has said through the apostle Paul:

Romans 10:13-14 – Everyone who calls on the name of the Lord will be saved. How, then, can they call on the one they have not believed in? And how can they believe in the one of whom they have not heard? And how can they hear without someone preaching to them? (NIV)

These verses are meant for all of us as God's people. Many around us are entrapped in their sin and unbelief, and we hold the key to their freedom through the testimony which God has given to each of us through answered prayer. When we withhold the full story of our success from the world, we also withhold the key to their salvation and freedom in Christ. By telling our story in a quiet and respectful manner, however, we offer to all who listen the opportunity to know God better. Whether those who hear do accept the key we offer through our story is not the point. That choice belongs to them and them alone. The point is that we are to glorify God publicly so that others, indeed, may at least have the choice of salvation set before them. With God's help, this is something that I am endeavouring to do more often. How about you?

Prayer: Father God, forgive us when we neglect to tell the world the whole story of our success: Your answers to our prayers. Embolden us through the power of Your Holy Spirit to glorify You publicly, so that unbelievers may be given the choice of salvation as often as possible. In Christ's name, we ask. Amen.

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About the author:

Lynne Phipps <>
Tawatinaw, Alberta, Canada

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1 Comment

  • PresbyCan Feedback says:

    Lynne – Oh, how this speaks to my heart! It is so important to share our story with others. Believers and non-believers alike are blessed by our revelations that we have a God who answers our prayers. Thanks for sharing these valuable insights. God bless.

    As always, good to read your powerful and inspiring devotion.
    I do say out loud how good God is to me and frankly, who wants to hear can hear, because I am not ashamed of my God and His Word and what He does for me every day.
    Every day is a miracle in our lives. And thanking God and telling people is a great daily testimony.
    Keep writing your inspiring devotions.
    (Trinidad W. I)

    Powerful challenge Lynne.

    Thank you, Lynne for your insight on this passage of the Old Testament. I read that passage years ago but glazed over the role of Abraham’s chief servant as I was concentrating on the “main” characters, Abraham and Isaac. But even the “background” character, the chief servant, played a very important role in Abraham and Isaac’s life.
    I suppose in life God calls some of His children to be the main characters and some to be the background characters, yet all our roles as we serve in the Body of Christ are important and, as you pointed out, we must all give the glory to God and share His good news with those He puts in our path. Easier said than done at times, I must admit.
    Several times in life, I had the golden opportunity to share the Good News with others, but I let that opportunity slip by because I was scared. But now I’m becoming a bit braver as I have built around me a support team of Christian men with whom I can share my stuff and pray for others and be prayed for. One day I hope to share my story which may help others.

    Good morning Lynne. Love your devotion this morning. Thank you. And you are so right. We do need to share our stories more about how God does work in our lives. I have one question. What do you mean when you say “embolden”? In the Presbyterian church just recently, I see people suggesting that we should be “bold” and courageous and I guess as a child I was told so often “to not be bold”, so I grew up with the meaning of the word “bold” as a negative. But “embolden” doesn’t sound as harsh. Thanks again for your morning devotion and may God continue to bless you as you continue to inspire us and show His love as you do so.
    (Winchester, Ont.)

    Relevant for every one of us, Lynne … Well, there might be one or two or three folks out there to whom this devotional did not speak, but I am not one of them. Thank you.
    (Clifton, Texas)

    Very good Lynne. I did not recognize it as yours until I scrolled down to your name. I am so used to your analogies using your dogs, horses, etc. but the format was a good one.
    Keep writing.

    What a fine message, challenging us to present the message of salvation, in a respectful way, to all we rub shoulders with each day. As you confirmed, it is so easy for us to praise His name and talk about His wondrous works to our Christian friends and those we know love the Lord. However, we often become silent and pass up many opportunities to present the loving mercy and saving power to those who do not know Him as Saviour and Lord.
    The question is asked “And how can they believe in the one (Christ) of whom they have not heard?” – Let us as children of the author and creator of every perfect gift glorify His name by proclaiming His glorious message to all we come into contact with. Hard to do sometimes, but it is the challenge the Word of God presents to us and the challenge you personally presented to us today. A great, great message, an eye opener for me.
    Many thanks.

    Thanks so much for challenging us again, so beautifully!

    Thanks, Lynne. I am reading through Genesis and so just read this story recently. I should have a chance to share that God answers prayer, as He has with my husband who had hip replacement surgery last week. He was home after 2 days (he is quite fit), and has been improving each day, moving around slowly but surely. So we are very thankful, and I will be able to share this with some neighbours, and the guys my hubby works out with at the gym. May the Lord speak to them.

    Lynne – this was a powerful message. It reminded me of times when I also failed to give God the glory in the company of unbelievers. But as you pointed out, they are the ones who need to hear our testimonies the most. Thank you for sharing what the Lord has placed on your heart.
    Keep up the good writing!

    A good reminder Lynne,
    Our testimonies are not only an effective witness tool to non-believers, but also an edifying tool for believers.
    God does answer prayer though faith.
    I am a living testimony.
    May God bless you.

    May God make us all to be more brave and Spirit-directed in our witnessing for His name’s sake.
    Keep writing.

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