Because We Believe

Thursday, July 3, 2003

John 12:44-46 – Then Jesus cried out, "When a man believes in me, he does not believe in me only, but in the one who sent me. When he looks at me, he sees the one who sent me. I have come into the world as a light, so that no one who believes in me should stay in darkness. (NIV)

Statistics Canada recently came out with the results of a survey on religious affiliation, in which it reported that 16{8395b6ce96fcf25a14d80edc3b65c36a8995b6c1ba5f8c16ac11d8adaa79f35b} of Canadians do not belong to any religion at all.

When I heard this on the radio, while I was driving to work, I was overcome with sadness. As I sat on the bus later, and looked at the faces of the other passengers, I wondered about those who had nothing to believe in. I wondered how they get through their days, the good days and the bad days, with all the joys and sorrows of living in this world today. Does the darkness overwhelm them?

During my life, there have been times when I walked through the dark valleys of life, times when I was not sure where I was going, or why things happened the way they did. There were also moments of great blessing and joy. Throughout all of this, even when it seemed the darkest, I knew I was not alone. There was a light which led me out of the darkness, a light which could not be overcome by the darkness of the world.

Because of our belief in Christ, we Christians have something the rest of the world needs. We know that our God is with us every moment. God is there beside us during the dark and difficult times. God will find us when we are lost, will carry us when we are too weary, will comfort us in times of sorrow, and will rejoice with us in the good times. It is our belief that makes us different, and allows us to walk in the light, even when the world is full of darkness.

Mark 11:24 – Therefore I tell you, whatever you ask for in prayer, believe that you have received it, and it will be yours. (NIV)

Prayer: Loving God, we are truly blessed to be your children. Even when the world is at it darkest, we walk in your light. You hear our cries and answer. We pray for all who do not know the comfort of your love, and ask that they, too, may come to believe, and come out of the darkness. Amen.

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About the author:

Alison Cotter <>
Spencerville, Ontario, Canada

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