John 21:19b – Then he said to him, "Follow me!" (NIV)

Back home, we would have been able to travel the distance in less than an hour, but we were in New Zealand, and the guide at the tourist bureau told us to plan on two or more hours to make such a trip. We soon discovered why we needed the extra time: the road was rugged and steep. Hairpin turns hugged the edge of the cliff, and caused me to dig my fingernails into my hands.

On a sharp turn in the section up ahead of us, there was a problem. One half of the roadway had been washed over the cliff, leaving only naked support pillars sticking out from the face of the mountain. A construction team was working to repair the road, and the traffic was reduced to one lane.

When I saw the narrow pathway that we would have to cross over, with its steep drop-off on the driver's side, and the water cascading underneath the broken roadway, I wanted to turn back, but the traffic was lined up behind me, and there was no room to make a U-turn. All I could do was wait until the man in an orange suit held up a sign that read, "Follow Me". Inch by inch, we made our way across the one-track bridge, until we reached safety on the other side.

Sometimes our journey through life leaves us in a similar situation: the track ahead is narrow and our pathway is unclear. There's no way we can go back to what is past. It's in these times we must sit and wait in the presence of God. The bridge to safety has already been built — when Jesus became the sacrifice for our sins on the cross. All we have to do is respond to His call when He says, "Follow Me," and when we follow, Jesus will lead us through the troubled times to the safety on the other side.

Prayer: Thank You, Jesus, for providing us with direction for our lives. Help us to keep our eyes fixed on You and to follow You daily. Amen.

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About the author:

Elaine Ingalls Hogg <>
Smiths Creek, New Brunswick, Canada

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