The Fish Philosophy

Monday, February 7, 2005

Mark 1:17-18 – Jesus said to them: "Come with me, and I will make you fishers of men." And at once they left their nets and followed him. (NEB)

During a recent visit with my son's family, I had occasion to attend a special activity at the elementary school where three of my grandchildren attend. While there, I met a sixth-grade teacher who had a wonderful rapport with her students. When I asked her secret, she replied, "Oh, it's simple really. I just follow the 'fish' philosophy."

"What," I asked, "is the 'fish' philosophy?"

She explained, "I teach my students to make their work fun, to help others where they can, and then, no matter what happens, to just keep swimming."

As I listened to her explanation, I thought how her "fish" philosophy echoes our Christian way of life. Jesus made learning fun by telling interesting stories. We call these stories parables. He helped where He could, and He called other people to help by becoming "fishers of men". We call this discipleship. When Jesus was faced with scourging and crucifixion, He just kept going toward the goal of saving us from our sins. We call this Christianity.

Make learning fun, help others where you can, and no matter what happens, just keep swimming. Christians and followers of the "fish" philosophy seem to have a great deal in common!

Prayer: Dear heavenly Father, we thank You for the life and teaching of Your Son, Jesus the Christ. Please forgive us when we fail, for we are still learning how to find joy in our daily lives, how to be Jesus' disciples, and how to keep on trying no matter what happens. In Jesus' name, we pray. Amen.

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About the author:

Judith Welch <>
Lincoln, Nebraska, USA

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