To The Rescue!

Saturday, March 19, 2005

Isaiah 46:4 – I have made you and I will carry you; I will sustain you and I will rescue you. (NIV)

My mother-in-law was a beautiful-spirited woman who enjoyed the great outdoors. One of her many pleasures in life included picking berries. On one such occasion, her whole family went on an outing to pick some wild ones.

Everything seemed fine, until all of a sudden, they could hear screams coming out from the bush. Everyone dropped whatever they were doing and ran to the rescue. When they arrived, they found their mother lying on the ground in great distress and visibly shaken to the core. She had tripped and fallen into a pit, but it was not an ordinary one — it was a snake pit. These insidious creatures were slithering all over her and had even made their way inside her boots. Realizing the severity of her situation, she continued to scream.

Life has its share of quagmires and unpleasant situations in which we never expected to find ourselves. We plan for our day, but unbeknownst to us, some formidable troubles come our way. My mother-in-law's plans for her day probably did not include snakes, but her cries for help did not go unheard. Her husband then lovingly brought her to a safer place. This struck a chord with me, as it reflects the love of God in our moments of need. When we cry out for heavenly assistance, we can be assured that without hesitation it will come. God reaches down, takes our hand, and lifts us up in the arms of grace.

Prayer: Thank you, God, for Your loving benevolent care in our lives. You are always watching over us day and night, and in our greatest moments of need, whenever we call, You are there. Take our hand through this day, and lead us along the safest path for our feet. Amen.

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About the author:

Darlene Lajeunesse
Schomberg, Ontario, Canada

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