Autumn Splendour

Monday, September 4, 2006
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Genesis 1:31 – Then God looked over all that he had made, and it was excellent in every way. (TLB)

We had had almost an entire week of dreary, wet, autumn weather. The landscape was washed in shades of grays and browns. Nothing stood out against the dull sky as I passed empty, earthy fields on my way to choir practice one Thursday evening.

Then along the horizon, the sun burst through the layer of clouds. It was as though the entire world were alight with fire. The sunbeams, on a long, low angle, touched the treetops and made them dance in shades of red and gold, orange and rust. Then I noticed a flock of birds flying against the sun, winging their way south to warmer weather. As they neared, the white wings of hundreds of swans seemed to glow against the drab sky.

I pulled the car over to watch them pass. I noticed that another car behind me did the same. Yet many more whizzed past, too busy to notice. They all missed a shared moment with God. How many other moments are we missing in our busy-ness?

Psalm 46:10 – Be still and know that I am God. (KJV)

Prayer: Loving God, You have created a world of splendour. May we feel Your presence in all that You have made. In our busy lives, help us to recognize those moments that we can share with You. Amen.

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About the author:

Heather Morton <>
West Lorne, Ontario, Canada

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