Kingdom Days

Wednesday, February 4, 2009
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For many years now, I have started each day of my life by anointing my forehead with oil, and asking the Lord for "Your righteousness, peace, and joy to be flowing throughout my whole being, spirit, soul, and body, so that I may live another kingdom day today."

This I began, when, as a renewed Christian, I learned the following three Scripture verses about what God's kingdom is and is not, where it is, and what happens when we seek it.

Romans 14:17 – For the kingdom of God is not a matter of eating and drinking, but of righteousness, peace and joy in the Holy Spirit. (NIV)

Luke 17:21b – For, behold, the kingdom of God is within you. (KJV)

Matthew 6:33 – But seek first His kingdom and His righteousness; and all these things shall be added to you. (NASB)

These basic Scriptures got me started, and have continued to keep me faithful in daily prayer. I can testify to the positive results of God's righteousness, peace, and joy in my daily life: in thought, words, actions, decisions, and responses towards my Lord, my family, others, and myself. My home life, most definitely, as far as I can know, feels like heaven on earth, with a very strong presence of the Trinity.

According to some family members and acquaintances, there have also been some physical results, which I've found amusing. Those I don't see too frequently have told me that I look younger and younger, which of course doesn't seem possible. I've casually joked, "Oh, maybe I'm overdoing the anointing." Well, it serves me right for being flippant: I hadn't been prepared for the questions: "What kind of oil is it?" "Where can I buy it?" "How often do you use it?" All were asked so seriously!

So there I was, trying to explain to the uninitiated that the anointing with prayer is a spiritual happening, not a cosmetic treatment. Yes, I know, it's my own fault.

Actually, the oil I use is a two-dollar bottle of fragrant oil, nothing special at all, except that it has lasted for years and years and years — which is not so easy to explain.

However, it wouldn't matter if it were the oil from a deep fry potato chip pan. God doesn't answer the kind of oil; He answers the faith, the consistent, faithful prayers of His children, and the spiritual desires of their hearts for His attributes.

Not only are our days better when we begin by asking God, but we are more godly in our dealings with people and in our coping with happenings during the day. Our service to God must therefore be more fruitful and closer to His will.

I realize that this is not the only way to experience "kingdom days" but it has worked increasingly well for me. Praise His glorious name! Blessed Holy Spirit!

Prayer: Generous Lord, thank You that every day we may experience Your righteousness, peace, and joy flowing through us like a beautiful godly river for Your glory. In Jesus' lovely name, we pray. Amen and Amen.

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About the author:

Rosemary Renninson
Westbury, Victoria, Australia

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