Wind And Fire

Wednesday, July 18, 2012
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Listen while you read: "Unto The Hills Around Do I Lift Up"1 (Lyrics)

Acts 2:2-3 – Suddenly there was a sound from heaven like the rushing of a violent wind, and it filled the whole house where they were seated. Before their eyes appeared tongues like flames which separated off and settled above the head of each one of them. (J.B. Phillips NT)

It was just after sunrise in the desert of Coachella Valley, California, USA. This event was to celebrate my fiftieth birthday. The hot air balloon was ready for our flight. The tough, flexible bag had been filled with hot air. I was filled with expectation as I approached the wicker basket which was attached to the very large, colourful balloon. However, as I stepped into the basket and we began the ascent, I was momentarily gripped with fear, which quickly gave way to the return of my usual composure.

As we lifted from the earth, there was absolutely no feeling of movement. The only sound that was heard was that of the propane burner which was firing to warm the air in the balloon. This produced the power needed for us to climb high into the sky. Our pilot began guiding the flight by catching various wind currents providing direction as we floated in the air. Suddenly, as I looked out at God's beautiful creation, a feeling of elation came over me, and the tears began to flow.

My balloon flight gave rise to thoughts of the supernatural work of the Holy Spirit. Just as the Holy Spirit was manifest as wind and fire in today's Scripture, we can be assured of His power and direction in our lives. As thrilling as it was to glide along effortlessly in the balloon, nothing can compare to the Lord's awesome presence in my life. At times, I feel His Spirit move quietly, like a soft summer breeze, refreshing my soul. In this manner, He fills my heart with knowledge and understanding of His will. Still, when I am weak, He lifts me up, like a strong mighty wind, providing strength, even in the midst of a terrible storm.

Wind and fire illustrate just two of the marvellous ways in which God's Spirit may manifest in our lives. Therefore, consider this: how is He affecting your life? In what ways has He moved your heart to worship the living God?

Prayer: Dear Lord, we thank You for the many ways that the Holy Spirit may manifest Himself in our lives. Enable us, in humility, to surrender our will to Your leadership. May we continually be moved by Your Spirit's power and direction as we seek a closer, more gratifying walk with You. In Jesus' name, we pray. Amen.

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About the author:

Parise Arakelian

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