Ephesians 5:20 – Always giving thanks to God the Father for everything, in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ.

I heard about a widow who had experienced incredible pain and loss. Six of her seven children had died along with her husband. She could have chosen to become bitter about her life experiences but instead she chose to always speak of God goodness to her. She chose to hold onto the shout of victory found in Revelations 19:6 and so when opportunities to complain or to fell sorry for herself occurred she would say "Hallelujah! For the Lord our God the Almighty reigns!"

In choosing to do this she chose to give thanks to God for everything, the good and the bad that came into her life. In choosing to do this she did not ignore the pain and loss in her life, but instead she chose to declare that in all things God is working. She experienced first hand God healing perspective when she chose to praise God. From experience she knew life is difficult and so she chose to accept that fact and get on with her life. She did this by choosing to give thanks to God every day.

As I heard about this remarkable woman I realized we are faced with the same choice each morning when we wake up and face the day. Life can be difficult at times. Things happen that does not make any sense to us. When life throws us a curve ball and knocks us off balance what will we choose to do? Will we choose to give thanks to God? The choice is ours to make.

Prayer: Dear God, as I face another day in my journey of faith may I remember to choose to be thankful for your presence in each day. May I remember that there is nothing you and I can not handle together and that there is nothing that can separate me from your love. I choose to be grateful for this knowledge and choose to thank you God for revealing yourself to me and giving me the choice to choose to be thankful today and every day. Amen.

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About the author:

Russ Chamberlain
New Bedford, Massachusetts, USA

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