Who Do We Appreciate?

Sunday, June 19, 2016
Listen to this devotional:
Listen while you read: "All The Way My Saviour Leads Me"1 (Lyrics)

At my birthday party recently, I wanted to read Scripture, and looking for a verse about hope and the future, I found this one:

1 Peter 1:3-4 – Praise be to the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ! In his great mercy he has given us new birth into a living hope through the resurrection of Jesus Christ from the dead, and into an inheritance that can never perish, spoil or fade — kept in heaven for you. (NIV)

What a wonderful birthday present from Jesus: new birth and an inheritance that can never perish! I could not want for more.

This is the gift that churches need today: to share with all present and in the neighbourhood this wonderful gift of new life, new hope, and a future that is so rightly blessed that it offers an inheritance in heaven. But in many ways, the church today is failing because the Person Who is to be at the heart of all activity in churches is rarely mentioned outside the church.

In many congregations, the church as an organization has taken the place of a relationship with Jesus. Various demands are made for members to meet the financial needs and to serve the Church and its programs, but few feel that the call to do so is actually from Jesus. He is rarely mentioned in their homes or neighbourhoods. It is no wonder that the church is failing, for as an organization, there is little hope and little personal relationship with Jesus. Who do we appreciate? Jesus! Jesus! Jesus!

Let us take note of our local church's atmosphere: how do we relate to each other, and who do we mention most? In our hearts, we may say that we put Jesus first, but do we put His name in our daily conversations? Are we embarrassed to mention Him outside the home and church? Do we tell one another how much we love Jesus?

Prayer: Dear Lord Jesus, fill our lives with Your love, so that our hope for each day will be lifted and secured by Your sacrifice given in love for us. We appreciate You so much, Lord. Thank You for giving Your life for us. In Your name, we pray. Amen.

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About the author:

Iris Ford

1 Comment

  • PresbyCan Feedback says:

    Very thought-provoking, Iris.

    The Lord’s blessings to you, Iris.
    You have said so well what we need to hear. Thanks.

    Amen and Amen, Iris. The attempt to expunge the name of Jesus Christ from all discourse, whether public or private, is what is wrong with society today. When we remove the King of kings from our national consciousness, then evil is only too happy to fill the void. Praying that people would return to the Lord Jesus Christ. Thanks for boldly sharing this message. Blessings.

    Thanks for sharing this pointed message.

    Jesus is love. Amen.

    Right on Iris!

    Thanks so much for this devotional. Yes, let’s pray for our churches that we will love Jesus and be willing to talk about it.

    Iris, thank you for your devotional and the text from 1 Peter. I also thought of Philippians 4:13 which is a favorite of mine — 10 words that can be said over and over again on your fingers. Blessings.

    Amen to that Iris.
    When people in church see me walking around without my walker or cane, they say how good it is to see this. I say, “This is what Jesus does for me. I cannot do this for myself.” Amen and praise the Lord!!
    God bless you as you serve our Lord and Saviour.

    Hi Iris:
    Thank you for your devotional. You are well named! An “iris” is a name associated with sight and insight. Praise the name of Jesus!

    Good thought to hold with me as I board the plane this afternoon for home.

    This truly spoke to me and my husband. Bless you for sharing.

    Excellent devotional reminder to put Jesus back into the place He deserves to be in our lives.
    Do continue to write.

    As for your devotional, it’s a big ouchie. In our small city I’m aware of no Ministerial Association and no togetherness in numerous things we as churches could share in spreading the gospel. I think of several things that could and should be done but you know them as well as I do. So each church goes about doing their thing their way and we’re watching them dying. Our new vibrant young pastor is now here with us and I’m praying that he may help bring about a change here.

    Dear Iris, What a beautiful verse to choose for your birthday: 1 Peter 1:3-4.
    Happy future, and I pray the God will continue to bless you with ideas for devotions. Yes, you can pray too for me that I, and many more Christians, will have Jesus’ name more often on our lips, with sound waves emanating.

    Absolutely true, Iris! And Happy Birthday to you!

    Thanks again, Iris, for your thought-provoking message about our need to focus on our Lord Jesus in reaching out to our friends and neighbours.
    Belated Happy Birthday prayers for you now.

    Hi Iris,
    Thank you for this devotion. I would like to reply in more detail, but I need to think about this subject some more.

    Hello Iris,
    Happy Birthday to you…and may the good Lord Bless and Keep you.
    God is good. He certainly takes care of each one of us especially when we build a relationship with Him and serve His people.
    Keep well, peaceful and comfortable.

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