Turn Over Those Stones

Sunday, July 24, 2016
Listen to this devotional:
Listen while you read: "Blest Be The Tie That Binds"1 (Lyrics)

Psalm 119:130 – Break open your words, let the light shine out, let ordinary people see the meaning. (MSG)

Stones and words have one peculiar feature in common, which I realized after hearing a mom share this story:

    My four children and I were on an expedition to pick wild berries. I happened to turn over a stone and let the children see what was underneath. The children got very excited about their discoveries: centipedes, worms, and much more. They wanted to find other hidden secrets beneath stones. So, for the rest of the day they turned over stones, one after another. That was a very long day!

Those stones remind me of familiar Bible words, such as "love", "faith", and "peace". These words hide amazing secrets which beg for revelation! We can easily walk over them, content to see only a plain surface. It takes child-like curiosity, a passionate yearning, and a plea: "God, I'm eager to know more! Help me to break open Your words [turn over the stones] so that I can know their secrets!"

In a sense, the Bible is like a giant field of stones, each waiting to be turned over, discovered, and grasped as a living, transforming reality. And as we make discoveries, we will want to discover more … and more.

For me, one of the stones that I overturned was "love". Through exploring this word across the pages of Scripture, I became sensitized to a profound divine reality. It is God's covenant love promised to humanity, expressed throughout the Old Testament, and now offered freely through Christ's new life birthed through His Spirit. Under the stone "love", I discovered an infinite, multi-faceted reservoir of blessing for humanity — so much waiting to be discovered.

Then there's the biblical word "peace", which exposed to me a radically new reality. But I'll leave that "stone" for you to turn over. After all, self-discovery is far more exciting. If you are curious, a concordance or Bible dictionary can show you the verses where a word is found, and then you can see for yourself what biblical commentators say about it. Many online resources are free. Do a search for "Bible study tools".

Prayer: Dear Lord, even in our "berry picking" missions of life, nudge our attention toward the many "stones" that You've put in our path through Your holy Word. Fill us with a yearning to discover and embrace the vibrant, life-giving truths hidden there. May we, as living stones, be alive with Your realities, so that "ordinary people" can gain an understanding of Your ways. Amen.

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About the author:

Diane Eaton <d.eaton@bmts.com>
Paisley, Ontario, Canada

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1 Comment

  • PresbyCan Feedback says:

    Love, love, love!!

    Good thoughts Diane.

    Thanks. Know the feeling!!

    I recognize that story! Good turn on it!

    Hi Diane,
    Leave no stone un-turned! Thank you.

    Thanks for writing an unusually interesting devotional today. Yes! The Bible is filled with wonderful truths just awaiting discovery. Blessings.

    Great devotional!! Thanks for sharing!!
    Such a common visual (especially for those of us who have discovered treasures under stones) but taken to a new level as you so aptly applied it to discovering the treasures hidden in Scripture beneath the words (stones)!
    Thanks for such encouragement to search deeper!

    Thank you for your devotions, and I’ve never heard rocks to be spiritualized like you have. The Lord has really blessed you as a gifted writer and I always enjoy your.
    Keep your good devotion coming. God bless you real good and have a blessed Sunday.

    Hi Diane
    Thank you for your good words.

    Dear Diane,
    Thank you for your very clearly illustrated devotional culminating in your prayer.
    Keep writing in our Lord’s guidance.

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