Psalm 22:24 – For he has not despised or disdained the suffering of the afflicted one; he has not hidden his face from him but has listened to his cry for help.

A very logical question is, "Why is there so much suffering and so much illness?" This is a very difficult and complex question and practically impossible to answer. However, I will give a few possible reasons.

First, we know there is sickness, suffering, and imperfections in the world, not because it is God's ultimate will, but because of sin being in the world. There was no illness previous to the time man yielded to sin. God did not desire the fall of man. He fell by his choice. Sin in all of its power brings many problems of illness as well as many other difficulties.

In the second place, illness may be the result of man's ignorance. Today, if someone has appendicitis, he goes to the hospital, has an operation, and is soon well. Years ago, many such patients would have died. No one would have known the technique to adequately care for the problem.

In the third place, failure to believe and practice the spiritual laws results in much illness. I deal constantly with individuals who have resentment, fear, and guilt. They harbour evil thoughts which result in evil actions. They are not willing to leave their tomorrows in God's hands so that their todays will be meaningful and relatively free of tension.

Prayer: Lord, the fears, resentments, and guilt feelings I give to You. Amen.

(From The Ministry of the Master ©1986 by Donald Bartow. Used by permission.)

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About the author:

Donald Bartow <>
Canton, Ohio, USA

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