Heavenly E-Mail

Friday, August 27, 1999

1 Timothy 2:5-6 – For there is one God; there is also one mediator between God and humankind, Christ Jesus, himself human, who gave Himself a ransom for all. (NRSV)

I was part of a planning committee for our family reunion. This committee had been meeting for several months, discussing, planning, delegating and even setting up various committees to make sure that the event would be a success. The day before the actual event, I was asked to say a prayer so that we would have good weather.

The day arrived and God chose to grant us a beautiful, warm, sunny day. The irony of this whole event was that the day before the event, it rained, and the day after the event, it rained. Some people would say, "We were lucky!" Some people would say, "It was a coincidence!" Some people would say, "We were very fortunate!" Few people would have the courage to say, "God does answer prayer and we have been blessed by Him today!"

Prayer is like sending an e-mail to our heavenly Father. As Christians, we have a direct line through a mediator whose name is Jesus Christ. He is always interceding for us, bringing our requests, concerns and praises to God, and God, who knows our hearts, always answers. Sometimes He answers with a "Yes." Sometimes He answers with a "No." And sometimes He answers with "Wait." We need to trust in Him and give Him thanks in all circumstances, as He knows what is best for us.

Prayer: Father, thank you for giving us a "direct line" to You. Help us to completely trust in Your providence. Amen.

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About the author:

Rosemary Hagedorn <rosyhagedorn@gmail.com>
Penetanguishene, Ontario, Canada

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