He Said It All!

Sunday, April 7, 2002

Just shortly after I became a Christian, I was still questioning many things and got to the point of finally yelling out loud (while in my car, alone), "Okay God, if you are really real, show me something, right now!"

A few minutes later, while still driving, I noticed a Volkswagen Bug coming towards me. The closer it got, the larger the licence plate number loomed, and the smaller the vehicle seemed to get. It was really weird. When the vehicle got close enough to me, all I could see was the licence plate. It read, ACT-424.

Well, I said to myself, "No, it cannot be," but I had to check. I pulled off the road, looked in a pocket Bible that I was carrying, and read the scripture for Acts 4:24. I said, "That is a coincidence," so I looked up Acts 42:4, but there was no such verse. This was not a coincidence.

When I really realized the strength of that particular verse in Acts, I recogized that I had indeed received an answer from God, and it was no weak answer. He said it all. He still says it all. I have never questioned His existence since that day.

Acts 4:24 – When they heard this, they raised their voices together in prayer to God. "Sovereign Lord," they said, "You made the heaven and the earth and the sea, and everything in them." (NIV)

Prayer: Father God, we thank You that when you answer us when we pray, or even when we question, You leave no doubt that it is You who is talking to us. Heavenly Father, we thank You for being with us when we are in doubt, and we thank You that You do not turn away from us. In Jesus' name. Amen.

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About the author:

Gerry O'Brien
Mount Pearl, Newfoundland, Canada

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