Cleaning The Basement

Monday, July 29, 2002

Matthew 7:21 – Not everyone, who calls me "Lord, Lord" will enter the Kingdom of heaven, but only those who do what my Father in heaven wants them to do. (GNB)

One Sunday, the minister preached a sermon on today's scripture, and I was very surprised. I thought that this text was directed at the religious leaders of Jesus' day, but apparently I was wrong, as it is directed at each of us. During the week, I reflected on this matter, and wondered what would become of me, even if I were forgiven, but failed to do God's will. Would Jesus say to me one day, "I never knew you?"

Later that same week, I decided that it was time to clean our basement, and, when I first started the task, I realized that several items had to be removed to create more space. The room was overcrowded and cluttered. As I worked to remove roll ends of carpet, stored for the past eleven years, I accidentally knocked over a lighting fixture, located on the floor for safekeeping, and smashed the glass globe. After I cleaned up the shards of broken glass, I sorted through a box of children's books. I even found old shoes in the basement, but I could not remember when I last wore them.

It was at this moment that God gave me the opportunity to be obedient in the area of stewardship of possessions.

I gathered up the extra belongings, sorting them into various categories: recycling, garbage, and useful articles. I filled up the car three times, and delivered the possessions to appropriate agencies. In the process, God allowed me to help save the environment by recycling paper, plastic, and tin cans. More importantly, I was given the opportunity to help some women and children in need by supplying toys, books, clothing, and food. God also helped me to do something meaningful for our family by creating extra space in the basement and making it a safer place to be.

This experience proved to me again that God knows and loves us individually, and that we will be given opportunities to be obedient and follow God's directives for our lives. This is something to be thankful for.

Prayer: Loving God, we thank you that you provide opportunities to be obedient and to serve you. Help us to make the most of these moments and to desire to obey you. In Jesus' name we pray. Amen.

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About the author:

Mary Jane Hanson <>
Saskatoon, Saskatchewan, Canada

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