The A-B-Cs

Saturday, July 14, 2007
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John 6:69 – And we believe and are sure that thou art the Christ, the Son of the living God. (KJV)

Remember when we learned our A-B-Cs as little children? You know, the traditional: A is for apple; B is for ball; and so on. It has proved quite beneficial, hasn't it? I began to wonder if there could be a Christian version. Strong's Concordance supplied me with the following words that describe us in our relationship with God:

    A-Adopted B-Blessed C-Conquering D-Delivered E-Established F-Free G-Graced H-Healed I-Inheritor J-Justified K-Known L-Loved M-Ministering N-Named O-Overcomer P-Precious Q-Quickened R-Redeemed S-Saved T-Transformed U-Upright V-Valued W-Wanted Y-Yielded Z-Zealous

The X is missing, because there is no English word beginning with X in the entire Bible! But in the original Greek of the New Testament, the letter X (called "Chi" and pronounced like "k") begins a word pronounced "Christos" that means "anointed", i.e. the Messiah, an epithet of Jesus Christ.

Webster's Dictionary says that X is an abbreviation, and stands for Christ as in Xn (Christian) and Xmas (Christmas). Of course, for many of us, X also stands for the unknown, that algebra term we all struggled with in math class.

We may wish to have or be all the things in this new alphabet version, but without X — the Lord Jesus Christ — it is impossible. Where then is X — the Christ in our lives? Is He simply X — the unknown? X — Christ, a shortcut to what we want? Or is He X — the crucified Christ, raised from the dead, our personal Saviour, no longer the unknown?

Prayer: Father God, thank You for Your Son, X — the Christ. Without Him we are nothing. Please help us make Him visible in every area of our lives. Amen.

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About the author:

Brenda Wood <>
Sandycove Acres, Innisfil, Ontario, Canada

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