Born For A Purpose

Thursday, August 21, 2014
Listen to this devotional:
Listen while you read: "Come Let Us All Unite And Sing"1 (Lyrics)

She had never met him before, but she cared for him as if he were the most important person in the world.

"Ann" knew that she was going to be a single mother in eight months. While she regretted the unfortunate decision that produced the baby inside her, she didn't begrudge the fact that new life was being produced by her. She ate healthily, got sufficient rest, avoided substances that could harm her and her child, visited the doctor regularly, watched her weight, and took vitamins — all things that an expectant mother should do to ensure a healthy baby. Nine months later, "Sam" entered the world, a healthy boy with shining skin and a smile to match. Ann's not sure what his purpose is yet, but she's confident that God has one.

God has a purpose for all people regardless of their birth circumstances.

Isaiah 44:2a – The Lord who made you and helps you says: Do not be afraid. (NLT)

Like Sam, my birth wasn't a product of fate or evolution either. God was in control of when I entered this world and had a plan for what I'd do when I did. Fate doesn't control my existence. While my parents had a role in my birth, they were only instruments in the hands of a mightier power. Many children are accidents from a parent's perspective, but never from God's. He can take a human accident and make a masterpiece from it. In fact, there aren't any accidents in God's plan.

The first human beings were placed on earth for a reason, and everyone since then has followed suit. I'm in the mix. I have purpose. There's a reason for my existence. God has work for me to do, people for me to influence, and blessings for me to enjoy. Have you discovered the purpose for which you were born?

Prayer: Father, may we be the clay in Your hands, allowing You to mold our minds, wills, and emotions that they might fit into Your purpose. Amen.

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About the author:

Martin Wiles <>
Greenwood, South Carolina, USA

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1 Comment

  • PresbyCan Feedback says:

    Love this one. How encouraging!

    Great one Martin, Thank you! Just as there are no accidents with God, neither are there any coincidences.

    Amen! Happy Birthday to you!
    God bless you and keep you!

    Thanks Martin, just wondering if you have ever read the little essay Kahill Gibran wrote “… and a woman said “speak to us of children”…’
    I like it a lot.

    Thank you Martin,
    Good refutation against evolution. Glad you are here for His purpose.
    A good reminder for us all.

    Dear Martin:
    Thank you for the reminder that we are here for a reason.
    A little over a year ago my granddaughter had a tiny boy, under 2 pounds at birth. He had 8 major surgeries within 2 months.
    Today he is the light of all our lives. He will have more surgery very soon. God surely has a reason for this little miracle.

    Dear Martin,
    Another devotional with great meaning. When I didn’t wake up readily after my heart surgery a few years ago, my family was told that I probably wasn’t going to recover.
    My sister insisted that I would wake up — and I did. Praise God! Then, I realized that I was saved for a purpose. It wasn’t long after that I began writing for Him.
    God bless.

    Hi Martin,
    Thank you for heeding God’s nudge to share your story with us. I’ve been watching “Who Do You Think You Are?” and weeping because I don’t know who my father is, thus not being able to trace my roots. This not knowing has been a sadness all my life, however, your Devotional has again reminded me that, once I became a Christian, I was indeed reborn – gifted with the perfect Father; one who is there for me 24/7, and not having any “father” baggage. After being saved, I “discovered” Psalm 139 and knew that God doesn’t make junk and having “known me in my mother’s womb”, this was God’s plan for my life.

    Martin: What a novel approach to your subject for this day’s Devotional and so personal for me. Here’s what I mean.
    I have had the privilege, since retiring, of being my wife’s primary caregiver, beyond her physician’s office, for several years. The thought has come to my mind a number of times as I asked myself, “Was I given my birth, in part, to personally take care of my lovable and devoted wife of over 60 years as she travelled down Alzheimer’s long road of dementia while I shared with God our concern?”
    And so I experience human sorrow now as I see my weeks or months ending this personal responsibility, this journey, which has been a worthwhile participation. Presently I daily travel to visit her in a hospital. Thus far, because she is not in pain, I also say, “Thank You God.”
    Oh yes, thank you also Martin for today’s Devotional thought.

    your devotional reminded me of Jeremiah 1:5 – “Before I formed you in the womb, I knew you;” a powerful message for all of us.

    Martin Wiles,
    Thank you.
    Keep writing,

    Dear Sir,
    God bless you for the words!
    Everyone has been destined for a purpose.
    My part of the world frowns on Teenage Pregnancies and pregnancies out of Wedlock.
    Then I thought to myself in time past that, what if that’s the only way for this individual to enter this World and play his role on earth.
    God has a purpose for all people regardless of their birth circumstances.

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