The Games People Play

Thursday, November 6, 2014
Listen to this devotional:
Listen while you read: "I Love To Hear The Story"1 (Lyrics)

It is a growing scene to see young and old with handheld, computerized gadgets playing a game. It amazes me how many new kinds of computer games are being offered for all ages. The older computer games lose their charm as new ones come along. The old board games have been virtually lost to the younger generation.

Being curious, I have asked youngsters what it is that they find in those little gadgets. They tell me that the games that captivate them are helping them to pass time, or to keep their brains active, or to compete, or to escape to be alone with just a gadget in their hands.

I asked one youngster what he found so interesting in the world of his games that he looked like he had no eyes or ears for anything around him. Politely enough, he said that the games that he plays are educational.

I began to wonder what is meant by "educational". What are they teaching: that it is more fun to be secluded from their surroundings and interact with fictitious people or people at a distance, rather than people in person? That seems to me to be questionable "education". I would rather take part in a live discussion.

A much more useful "gadget" in our hands is our Bible, for higher spiritual education in its rich wisdom, salvation, character building, and obedience to God.

The Bible is a well of educational skills to be learned. In it, God reveals His mind and the sinful state of man. Once we register in God's school for higher learning, we are educated about sin as well as God's grace.

2 Timothy 3:16 – All Scripture is God-breathed and is useful for teaching, rebuking, correcting and training in righteousness. (NIV)

Sometimes, we will find ourselves needing to repeat a class or two, or sometimes, to start from square one, but we will always find God to be patient with us, as well as faithful. We can know that God will always be there for us.

Hebrews 13:5b – For He Himself has said, "I will never leave you nor forsake you." (NKJV)

Prayer: God, grant us patience, we who are slow to learn the new life through Jesus Christ, so that because of Jesus, we will graduate from being sinners to being Your holy people. In the name of Jesus, we pray. Amen!

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About the author:

Kirsti Sipila <>
Brantford, Ontario, Canada

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1 Comment

  • PresbyCan Feedback says:

    Thanks for writing Kirsti.

    Right on girl!! Or should I say Write on!!

    Well stated Kirsti,
    I grew up in the day when we created our own games like trying to drop a clothespin in a milk bottle for one.
    I don’t play gadget or computer games but I do find many new challenges in the Bible every day.
    Thanks for reminiscing.

    Dear Kirsti,
    I enjoyed your devotional today. You brought up some good points. Unfortunately, many things considered “educational” nowadays have no real value. But the “higher spiritual education” you mentioned is available free of charge to everyone. It’s amazing that no matter how many times I read the same Scripture, there’s always something new and worthwhile to be gained.
    God bless.

    Dear Kirsti,
    I’m with you in not liking to see people spend so much time seemingly lost in their hand-held world that they do not communicate much with the persons around them.
    However: let’s encourage youths and older people to find and read the Bible on their hand-held gadgets. It’s there in many languages.
    And how wonderful it is that Christian organizations such as Wycliffe Bible Translators, Trans World Radio, and Far-East Broadcasting are putting oral readings of the Bible out where it can be picked up by the gadgets in many languages! The Word of God is being beamed into far corners of the world, some of which, as yet, have not any written language, not even an alphabet.
    These live-readings and recordings are being picked up in remote areas of the world where the Light has not yet shone in any other way.
    A few of the persons from other continents, who have come to faith in Christ through hearing the Bible on their hand-held gadgets are traveling across the North American continent encouraging us fellow Christians to support the cost of the production of equipment for broadcasting and beaming the Word of God to some areas of the world that are not yet covered by the beams.
    Let us pray for all people who are getting the good news of salvation out in very many different ways, and for those coming to faith in Father, Son, and Holy Spirit, and for ourselves that we will support all great efforts, large and small, so that many more persons in the world will come to Faith.
    With love to you,
    Keep writing.

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