The Music Of The Spheres

Sunday, July 26, 2015
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Listen while you read: "This Is My Father's World"1 (Lyrics)

Psalm 148:3 – Praise him, sun and moon, praise him, all you shining stars. (NIV)

Whenever I hear the hymn, "This is my Father's world", by Maltbie D. Babcock, I am inspired by the power and beauty of God as seen throughout His creation. The first two lines, in particular, remind me that even the heavens are showing forth His praise. Consider the words:

    This is my Father's world, and to my listening ears
    All nature sings, and round me rings the music of the spheres.

Interestingly, the author's expression, "the music of the spheres", was a concept familiar to the ancients. The idea was later explained by astronomer Johannes Kepler, who found that various ratios used in determining planetary motion could be applied to interval relationships exercised in music. Moreover, scientists have calculated heavenly sound waves by observing the up-and-down vibratory motions on the surface of the sun and other stars.

This information led me to find audio samples of solar music made available on the Internet. It opened my eyes to the profound implications behind the term, "the music of the spheres". Until now, I had no idea what the expression truly meant. Just a few words made a difference in my understanding of the song and gave me a deeper appreciation for today's Scripture.

Perhaps, you, too, have missed something while singing some of your most beloved church hymns. I encourage all of us to pay close attention to the wording and then reflect on its meaning. I'm confident that it will enhance our worship experience and draw us closer to the Lord.

Prayer: Father, we thank You for the marvellous wonders of Your creation, for the testimony of the heavens, and for songs of praise that echo throughout the earth. According to Your Word, may we speak to one another in psalms, hymns, and spiritual songs. May we make melody to You, O God, with all of our hearts, always giving thanks in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ, through Whom all things exist. Amen.

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About the author:

Lori Ciccanti <>
Ocean View, Delaware, USA

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1 Comment

  • PresbyCan Feedback says:

    Good word Lori!

    Thank you. God bless you.

    Great devotional! Thanks Lori.

    Good thoughts. It’s a shame many of our younger folks might never sing the good old hymns. Not that I’m against praise music, just saying.

    Thanks Lori, I learned this a while ago as well. Our Creator has created a well tuned universe! This truly is our Father’s world.
    Thanks again.

    Lori, thanks for the reminder that our hymns bring heavenly music into our lives. Blessings.

    Thank you for sharing this! Your devotional encourages me to look more deeply at the meanings behind the words of hymns as well as verses of Scripture such as the one you shared from the Psalms.
    You also brought to my attention some details I was not aware of regarding the profound nature of God’s creation.
    This devotional should certainly inspire us to sing songs of praise!

    Lori – Thank you for this lovely devotional. The hymn, This is My Father’s World, brought back fond memories of when I was teaching this to my 2nd grade choir. I often wondered if they would understand what they were singing. That was when I would go over the words with them and explained their meaning. Your advice to study the words of hymns was so good; then they become more meaningful.
    God bless you.

    How exciting to learn about the actual literal meaning of this line from my favourite hymn. I never thought of it as actual music created in or even by the heavenly bodies but took it to mean an artistic sort of expression by the writer.
    My most vivid experience with this hymn took place a few years ago when a friend took me up in a hot air balloon at 5:30 a.m. and as the sun was rising across the Bay. She gave me a set of ear phones and the glorious words came pealing into my ears, “This is my Father’s world!” Perhaps you can almost feel some of the wonder that spread through my entire being as I relate this event to you Lori. I shall never forget it.
    Thank you for researching it. It has added to the wonder and given new meaning to our song.

    Dear Lori:
    Beautifully said. Thanks also for the info on music of the spheres.

    Lori, A great job with this devotional. I know it must have taken some time in preparing this one, due to the research. There is no doubt that God has expanded your writings with your studying of His word.

    Dear Lori,
    I’d like to hear more of that — the music of the spheres.
    I think there was more of it in our good old hymns than we hear in some of the so-called “worship music” coming out today.
    I pray for greater inspiration of the present day writers — more poetic harmony, more in-depth praise of god who IS … all-in-all… all the earth, and even unto heaven.

    Spheres in Hebrew is sephira which includes all the heavenly realms or spheres. My own experience in deep meditation have heard the beautiful music starting out has like crickets but blending and ascending to more beautiful realms or spheres I’m just saying.

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