How Far Can We Trust God?

Thursday, September 28, 2017
Listen to this devotional:
Listen while you read: "Face To Face With Christ My Saviour"1 (Lyrics)

An atheist friend once remarked to me that Christianity is destructive because it produces passivity. Yet a cursory glance at the achievements of strong believers down the centuries easily proves otherwise. Nevertheless, my friend raises a worthy point. We can indeed become passive as Christians. However, the cause is not Christianity, but feeble trust in the Christian God. That's what restrains us from our potential.

But let's be practical: What is reasonable for us to trust God for? How far should we count on God to preserve our earthly environment or our human race from self-destruction? Is there not a risk of becoming overly presumptuous with God? I say, it would only be unreasonable and presumptuous to trust God for something that is not authentic to His nature and purposes. On the other hand, it is entirely reasonable to trust God for Who God truly is and what God truly does — as disclosed in the Scriptures.

That requires a trust in the reliability of Scripture — moreover, in the God of the Bible, in His ability to oversee its formation, preserve its content, clarify its message, disclose its meaning, and keep it relevant for all ages. With that assurance, we can boldly trust its promises — notably, God's promise of faithfulness to His ancient covenant purposes. We can trust this ancient promise for today, as God builds and preserves a modern-day church across the globe.

Hebrews 11:6a – Without faith it is impossible to please God. (NIV)

However, it is one thing to declare God's trustworthiness and another to live a life of faith that pleases God. So, we ask ourselves, how far am I willing to count on God to care for me, forgive me, restore purpose through my losses, or bring glory through my limits and failures? How far will I trust His Spirit for guidance with troubling issues? Am I willing to trust God to disclose His grace to loved ones, opponents, or fallen sinners? How far will I trust God to transform my thinking and my character? Is it only until the process hurts or humbles me too much, or until I experience social and religious pushback — or it thwarts my goals?

What probing questions! They challenge us to think about God and ourselves, and to honestly examine our ability to trust God and to recognize the obstacles. That's worth it! After all, nothing is more precious than our faith; and surely we want our faith to become as genuine and pure as possible.

1 Peter 1:7 – These [trials] have come so that your faith — of greater worth than gold, which perishes even though refined by fire — may be proved genuine and may result in praise, glory and honor when Jesus Christ is revealed. (NIV)

In view of such a promise, let us pray this:

Prayer: Lord, teach me to trust You with all my heart. I want to stop leaning on my own understanding. I submit my ways to You, my habits, commitments, expectations and values — that You may direct my path and forge a faith that overcomes all fear and passivity. Amen.

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About the author:

Diane Eaton <>
Paisley, Ontario, Canada

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1 Comment

  • PresbyCan Feedback says:

    Amen sister!

    Awesome devotional, thank you.

    Thanks for the challenge, Diane.

    Thank you for this devotional! God Bless.

    Hi Diane, this is an excellent devotional. Well done. God Bless Thanks for the tiles and the visit.

    Thanks, Diane, for challenging us to trust the Lord throughout all of life’s challenges. Blessings.

    Thank you for your inspiring and uplifting devotionals. I find comfort and support for my faith in each one I have the privilege of reading.

    Good morning, Diane,
    I always appreciate your thoughtful commentaries so much.
    Thank you for encouraging us to have faith in the word of God.

    Diane, here you are when I need your words the most.
    I have had a heavy aching heart for a week now, the result of an action by my daughter who many years ago turned her life and beliefs totally against God. I have asked the Lord to help me.
    Thank you so very much. I always look forward to your devotional. God loves you and so do I.

    Trusting God for what, is the question. Some trust Him to make their lives hum along and give them everything they need or want. When that doesn’t happen, they lose faith. Myself, with my mother dying when I was very young, and my family, friends, or leaders leaving me, failing me, I learned early in life that God was the only constant in my life. He would never leave me or forsake me. He would not give away my secrets, He would not drop me on my head. He was the only one, as it were, worthy of my trust, my life, my future, goals, hopes, dreams. I gave Him myself. Only He would keep me to the end and I would be with Him forever, whatever happened in my life. I was a teenager at the time. And I have never looked back. In the ups and downs, the good years and the lean years, through sickness and when healthy, He is the constant. I know how far I can trust Him. Absolutely, to the end. Praise God. He alone is worthy of all my praise! Blessings.

    Dear Diane,
    This is a well-thought-out devotional.
    A great picture, but where does Jesus Christ fit into it?
    1 Peter 3:18 – For Christ died for sins once for all, the righteous for the unrighteous, to bring you to God. (NIV)

    Hi Diane,
    I appreciate the challenge you have brought out in this question. I am currently at that place in my life where I have many important life altering choices to make and this is my continual prayer to trust him for wisdom and guidance. Then, most importantly, WAIT till He gives it and it resonates with my spirit. Above all I want Him to be glorified in my life.
    Again, thanks.

    That’s great Diane. You’ve given us a lesson in taking our God seriously – and getting on with serving Him wholeheartedly – in HIS strength and guidance instead of our own. Bless you for this.

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