
Monday, May 30, 2005

Ephesians 2:17 – He came and preached peace to you who were far away and peace to those who were near. (NIV)

Every now and then my computer freezes — usually during something important — requiring me to shut down and restart the machine. If I haven't saved my information, I lose what I was working on and have to begin again. It's highly frustrating, and I wish that I could learn from the experience, but, being human, I have this capacity to forget things and only remember about saving my work when, guess what — the computer freezes.

However, despite my frustration, I do appreciate the restart sequence because it eventually enables me to get back on the right track. And that's the meaning behind the word "peace" in today's verse. We tend to think it means quietness, tranquility, and health, but the Greek word eirene can also convey the idea of setting everything back to one; in other words, to restart one's life, to begin again.

I love that kind of peace from Jesus, which allows people another chance. We all make mistakes. We all fall short of God's expectations. We all fail and do things wrong, but with Christ's peace, we can eradicate our past errors and restart our journey of faith.

Prayer: Lord Jesus, we thank You for Your peace that allows us to begin again. We are truly grateful for the gracious gift of being able to restart our lives with You. Help us to embrace Your peace each day and renew our devotion to You. In Your holy name, we pray. Amen.

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About the author:

John Stuart <>
Knoxville, Tennessee, USA

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