A Bad Patch

Friday, May 29, 1998

Matthew 5:9 – Blessed are the peacemakers for they shall be called children of God.

Last fall, I went through what some would call a "bad patch". A bad patch is an experience that comes at the wrong time, just like when one is driving through a bad patch, it causes sluggishness to one's wheels.

A friend of very long standing had died, a friend of more than the Christmas card variety. And so many old memories came into play. Things we had enjoyed doing, and then events in my past that I felt sorry about, began their dance in my memory.

A habit of long standing is daily devotion, and added to it now is the "Daily". Here at "Daily" are writers who are right there, bringing the word; writers who, like a sermon on Sunday, bring a gift to our imaginations, just at those times when we need it most. A push of the button, a few words, and then, the presence of being connected, the joy of being able to share with someone else the joy and healing they brought to you.

I wrote our Editor, "Could it be that God, seeing so many become disenfranchised, spurred the Internet into being to give voice to these who thought they had no voice? I believe He did."

Now when it's "computer time," buttons are pressed, "Bookmark favourites" engaged, and connection is made in daily renewal with our "Daily", and with our Lord.

Prayer: Lord God, we give thanks for being able to receive and respond to your kindness and the generosity of those who share their thoughts in praising You. Amen.

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About the author:

George Peters

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